"ALOHA MAUI! If you are hoping for quality locs, braids, extensions etc, I would definately recommend TAZ at All Island Braids. She hooked me up with some beautiful dreads back in October and I hate that it has taken me so long to write this review, but better late than never. Its super easy to book with her... you can meet pretty much anywhere on the island and she comes prepared and ready to roll every time. I have come to see her and her husband at the booths in Lahaina on Sundays and she has also come to my place to do some maintenance as well. She is not playing games when it comes to hair and it shows. Taz and her husband are both super chill, down-to-earth and accommodating. I have so much gratitude towards them and look forward to catching Taz for another session soon. Mahalo!
Google Review

Pop-Up Dreadlocks Services
Comb Twists
If you have Afro-Kinky hair we can start your locs in about 2 hours with comb twists.
Instant Locs
Get locs instantly! This method is great for all hair types and textures. It is a time commitment. Please call 808-357-3504 for a quote.
Loc Extensions
Temporary or longevity extensions synthetic or human can be (re)attached to your natural hair.
V.I.P. Dreadlock Services $125/HR Cash Only
Interlock Method
Express locs maintenance that tightens up the roots in a jiffy. 2-3 hours.
Crochet Method
Are your locks super fuzzy in addition to needing tightening. This is the best option. Call 808-357-3504 for a quote.
Loc Styling
We can cornrow your locs or create a softer design just for you
Select a Style of Service
Our Ohana services (services performed for walk-ups and confirmed appointments at one of our pop-up shops) are discounted due to the dynamics of the environment. There may be instances where the stylist has to pause to process payments or assist other product purchasing customers which may distract from a service. So, pop-up customers save $10.00 per hour for specified services. Our V.I.P. service is a one-on one experience focused on you and you alone.
This is a non-refundable deposit for dreadlocks start-ups and maintenance at one of our indoor/outdoor pop up locations. This is a cash only hourly rate service. Your deposit covers the first hour only. Each additional hour payment is due every hour on the hour until completion of service. Dreadlocks can be created with comb twists and different crochet or interlocking tool techniques. Maintenance service includes interlocking and crochet. Line-ups and clipper cut designs not included but can be requested for an additional fee.

Dreadlock Extensions Appointment Deposit
AVIELLA ALOHA V.I.P. ON-SITE SERVICE APPOINTMENT POLICY...Thank you for choosing Aviella Aloha Beauty Consultants. We can't wait to meet you. You are about to make an appointment for an on-site service with Aviella Aloha Stylist to the Stars. This $25.00 non-refundable fee covers the cost of transportation or express service at a pop-up location only. It is not a payment for beauty services. Hair and supplies for extensions are not included in this transaction. They must be purchased separately before your scheduled appointment. By pressing checkout you acknowledge that you have first spoken to Aviella Aloha directly to confirm a time and place. You also acknowledge that payment for Island Braids, Extensions, Dreadlocks, Hair Take down services are cash only! Please expect to pay the hourly cash rate in advance of each hour or stated differently up front without exception. Mahalo for choosing Island Braids Maui.
Dreadlocks Maintenance at Pop-up Booth
You'll want to have a minimum of 4 inches of hair growth from the scalp before I can get you started with natural locks or dreadlock extensions. When your hair is this short, it's a little more work for the first few months to get your dreadlocks going. However, as you watch them grow, it's nice to know that one day you will be swinging your Aloha Locks saying "LONG HAIR DON'T CARE"! But do plan for a 4 - 5 month transition for the locks to start forming.
Note: At home maintenance requires you not washing the hair for 1-2 weeks. You MUST use a dreadlock safe shampoo and then palm roll after when you do wash. Be sure to separate the dreads to prevent unwanted large sections from forming. Or we can do the maintenance

Preparing Your Hair for Dreadlocks
-Its very important to let your hair get to its natural clean residue free state about1 MONTH BEFORE LOCKING. If you haven't booked that far in advance then at least a week of following these instructions is necessary to assist in reducing any chemical residue from the hair and to get your hair in a nice clean and dry (not oily) state. This is the best state for locking.
-STOP the use of all products which contain chemical ingredients (such as standard shampoos, hair gel, spray, wax etc.) AND all hair products which are conditioning including conditioner leave-in conditioner and oils.
wash your hair with 100% natural (preferably organic ) herbal shampoo for ideally a whole month before your appointment. We sell some here if you would like to purchase from us.
-Make sure your last wash is about 3-5 days before your scheduled appointment depending on your hair type. See below
**If you have an OILY hair type please wash it the maximum number of days BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT before it gets oily. Eg: If your hair gets oily 4 days after washing, wash it 3 days before your appointment and then leave it.
**If you have a NORMAL TO DRY hair type then wash your hair about 5 days before your appointment then leave it.
**If you swim in the ocean in the NO WASHING time before your appointment , just rinse your hair with water (do not shampoo again)
DON'T WASH YOUR HAIR RIGHT BEFORE AN APPOINTMENT IT WILL BE TOO SQUEAKY CLEAN AND HARDER TO LOCK!! WITH GROWING HAND AND HOOK METHOD WE CAN LOCK in hair type in any state, however locking is easiest (and therefore cheapest) when your hair is in the natural, clean residue free state and dry not oily.

Select a Service Type

Locs done the U-N-I Way
Healthy hair is a huge part of our vitality, so why treat it any less. Urban-n-Island Maui provides the optimal loc styling experience. Using methods that promote hair growth and prevent breakage, the health of your hair and the way that you feel when you leave the chair comes first! And the best part? You can be comfortable in your own home or sitting by the beach. Book your appointment today and have your hair done the island way!

I am Aviella Aloha but my friends call me TAZ!

Dreadlocks Start-Up & Maintenance Appointment
Dreadlock Extensions
Dreadlocks Extensions are a great option for getting the length you have always wanted immediately. We use 100% hand made extensions which come in a quantity of 10 per bundle. The Price for a full style of dreadlock extensions are $125.00 per hour at a pop-up location which covers the cost of installation and not the individual hair extensions. Cost per individual dreadlock extension is 20.00 each including the hair and the installation with a minimum of 10. A non-refundable deposit of $150 - $250.00 (Cash) is a necessity before the appointment if and when we provide the extensions hair for a full head. Keep in mind that multiple appointments may be needed for larger installations. The hourly rate of $125.00 applies when you bring the dreadlock extensions hair with you to the appointment. Again, this is a cash only service with the exception of the non-refundable confirmation deposit. V.I.P. is an on-site service by the beach or at an agreed upon location and its rate is $125.00/hour cash only.